I’m late getting to this but, what the hell, it’s a fucking blast. First the barest of information; this is Bone Wars debut release on Birds And Beasts Records. That’s somewhat misleading, so for clarity it’s their debut release.
‘Terrible Lizards’ is an epic slab of psychy rock drenched in all the required guitar sounds, Eastern beats, way out keyboard runs and frenzied sonic climaxes. But wait, for there is more. This is intertwined and interlaced around as melodic as you could want mellow rock – think big big vocals and washes of sound. It’s this combination that makes it sound so good. Look, what I’m trying to say is that as ‘two things shorehorned together’ this may sound, there’s something fabulous about the mix. Take my word for it.
What’s that I hear you say? Do I hear you asking whether this song is about something? Well yes. It’s ‘inspired by the early pioneers of palaeontology, imagining the wonder and confusion of finding these inexplicable fossils and their attempts to explain and understand them which ultimately led to the legendary word – dinosaurs’.
‘Terrible Lizards’ is a bloody gorgeous sonic attack that will leave you breathless and wanting more/ Go for it, people.