I’ve reviewed a couple of releases from Bad Love and I’ve been converted to their brand of indie-pop. This is no mean feat, indie-pop can leave me cold, for me to really like it, it needs to be something special, and Bad Love do that.
‘Cashmere Tears’ comes with Bad Love’s usual ear for a great tune. I said in a previous review that you could strip the song down to voice and guitar or simple keyboards; and this song has that. On top of this wonderful tune we get some deceptively complex layering of sounds – I say deceptively because it’s layers of simple sounds. Keyboards, vocals, the rhythm track. All you have to do is to check out those seamless breakdowns.
And on top of that, and sometimes within it, we get a simple clear soaring vocal singing good words. Words that have something of a sadness to them, just an edge but it’s there. An edge of sadness that’s audible in the music.
What this adds up to – and while I feel kind of forced to break it down, you probably don’t do that, you just listen to the song – is a great pop song. A song – and I’ve said this before about Bad Love – that crosses over from indie-pop to synth pop and back again. So let’s just call it pop OK? It’s a great pop song and we all need a great pop song. A song you can dance to, or just sit and listen, it does both of those and that’s a cool thing.