Who can use our free gig or concert listings?
Basically anyone:
- Bands, groups or individual performers
- People who represent or manage bands, groups or performers
- Benefit or charity gigs or concerts
- People who own or manage a venue
- People who run a club night or other regular slot at a venue
Are there limitations to the free listings service?
Yes, the free service has limitations:
- Submitted events will NOT go live immediately, they will be approved for publication before going live
- You will not be able to delete or modify the event yourself. To have the event deleted or modified contact us
Is the gig or concert in our area?
Listings will be accepted for gigs or concerts in our area or within easy reach of our area.
Can support bands or performers use our listings?
Yes of course you can. Please play fair and include the headliners and any other performers in your listing title.
OK so I’ve read this and I can use the service, how do I add a gig or concert?
Use the form on this page to submit gigs or concerts.
The form is simple – just follow these instructions:
- Event Name: This is required. it should follow the following formats:
- [Headliner] plus supports [Support 1], [Support 2]
- [Special event] plus supports [Support 1], [Support 2] – e.g. [Band name] EP launch
- Event Start Date/Time: This is required
- Event End Date/Time: This is not required but an end time is useful for people attending to work out how to get home after the gig. If you are not going to use an end time please click the End Time switch to NO
- All Day Event – YES or NO as appropriate
- No end time – see above
- This is a repeating event – only use if you play at the same venue with the same line-up at the same time regularly
- Event Sub Title: Please leave blank
- Event Details: This is your space to tell people about the bands playing. Please do not use all capital letters or overdo the bold text. Please do not swear.
- Event Location Name: Please include the town the venue is located in – e.g. Plug Sheffield
- Event Location Address: Full postal address and postcode please otherwise the map feature in our listings will not work
- Event Organizer: Not required
- Select the Genre Category: Please choose the categories of music being played
- Event Image: Not required but if you are uploading an image it should be at least 800px wide and 300px high
- Ticket Link: Not required
Click on submit and we’ll approve the ad for submission as soon as we can.