SINGLE REVIEW: Crooked Revival – ‘Demons’


Sadly Crooked Revival have decided to call it a day but they have left us with a parenting gift. A big guitar heavy grinding gift.

‘Demons’ takes that – if I am forced to use this term, which apparently I am – classic rock format and, in that best Crooked Revival way, fucks with it.So yes, there are soaring melodic verses BUT instead of, well, heavy rock-ish bits that go in between they opt for the frankly disturbing grindingly loud. And it is an utter joy.

Things to love. The vocals that go from soaring sweetness to being on the jagged edge. Thunderous drumming. And, I’m leaving the best until last, the guitars. They go from melodic as you want to grinding out a sound that could leave you hiding behind the nearest sofa. And then there is solo, that in all its ‘short and sweet’ ness just evolves the best of a heavy rock solo.

Yes, I love this. Yep I love heavy rock and Metal but I also love heavy rock and Metal when it’s fucked with. And Crooked Revival do that so bloody well.

So take a few minutes of your day to set down or get ready to go crazy – whichever is your choice – crank up the volume and hit play. This is fucking brilliant parting gift.

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Frank is the website guy for Local Sound Focus. Takes a lot of photos and loves writing about new music.