It’s been ages since I last reviewed a Green Gardens track. In fact it was back in 2018; a fact I find rather shocking, time does fly. You’d expect a band to progress over time, and in fact so different to the Green Gardens I last reviewed is ‘Chosen For More’ that I had to actually check it was the same band – I like to be accurate about these things. So I was expecting some rather wonderfully perfect pop.
But my expectations were shattered – in a really really good way – this wasn’t the Green Gardens of 2018. What hasn’t changed is that I’d expect a Green Gardens song to be classy and, well, just simply wonderful and I’ve not been let down. This is both classy and wonderful.
The sound is electrically shimmery; and I mean shimmery not dreamy. It’s built on off-kilter rhythms and a delicious piano. And yes, it’s pop in a way, but pop with that extra bit extra. That extra is bursts of fuzzy and some frankly way out there, guitar. If you wanted to describe it as a rock song I wouldn’t argue, but for me it’s infused with what I can only call pop sensibility – it has a gorgeous tune. It kind of reminds me of a cross between Bowie, The Associates and Radiohead.
The playing, the arrangement, the vocals and the words are just simply glorious. But more importantly the vocal, the music, are there to convey emotion. This is the sound of a tortured soul. It is, and I don’t apologise for this, a big tortured emotional ballad. Look, every note of this song is going to tear at your heart and soul. You may cry a little; I did, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.
This is perfect, there’s not a thing I’d criticise or change. This is achingly beautiful.
The single is being released by Come Play With Me/Elephant Arch Records and the other A side is Oh Papa’s ‘That So’. Get it on some lovely colourful eco-mix