SINGLE REVIEW: The Exceptional Mr Hyde – ‘Solemn Power’


Despite my (fairly obvious by now) love for all things post-punk this is my first time hearing anything by The Exceptional Mr Hyde. Clearly an omission.

The band list an extraordinary list of stylistic influences on their Facebook bio but to reproduce that would be superfluous really when I’m reviewing this one song. Now I want you to know that the following description is written with an entirely straight face and is not in any way meant as criticism. It sounds like The Sisters of Mercy covering a B-52s track with the addition of a raging punky guitarist – not as it happens, something that is beyond the bounds of reality, The Sisters are known for their odd choice of covers. Or if you prefer it sounds like a punky electro post-punk band doing rave of the acid variety, To add some detail what we have here is a pounding dark dance track.

Now I have to admit that it wasn’t love at first listen; off the bat I thought it sounded merely quirky and confusingly full of musical influences. But then I accidentally left it on repeat while cooking my tea – a tasty and quick tofu stir-fry for those of you interested – and I found myself getting into the groove, throwing the odd goth dance shape, cranking the volume. Because you see this isn’t a sit down and listen type track, it’s a track to dance to, to let yourself get down to.

As a first introduction to the band this is cracking stuff. It’s a dark dance banger to get sweaty to. And look, don’t get the idea this is only for post-punk fans; Crank the volume, and dance.

The info

This single is from the forthcoming debut album The Inevitable Rise Of…The Exceptional Mr Hyde, to be released on the 10th November.

The band play an album launch gig at The Fulford Arms, York on 23rd November.

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Frank is the website guy for Local Sound Focus. Takes a lot of photos and loves writing about new music.