I don’t know much about Fowler, but somehow that’s not that important, I don’t need to know the details of the artist when the song is this good.
‘Dressed In Black’ is kind of synth-pop, kind of electronica but it’s dark. Not dark dark but dark and moody. Washes of sound drift across it’s soundscape, a simple rhythm holds it together, and over this the aforementioned Fowler weaves the story of a woman who enthrals him, who he’d do anything for. And he does this with this compelling vocal, a vocal that’s simple and understated.
But wait, there’s something more to this track. It does the unexpected. Firstly it breaks down into this almost rave-y section, it’s all plinky keyboards. And then towards the end there is suddenly this absolutely gorgeous saxophone – a smoky moody saxophone over a reprise of the rave-y section.
The thing is that the first time I listened to this, I thought well that sounds a bit disjointed, there’s something ‘wrong’ with the rave-y section, and that saxophone doesn’t quite fit over that sound. But there was something that made me think – wait a minute perhaps I’m wrong, I need to go back and listen again, and this time listen to the words properly. And then it made sense – there’s something not quite right with this relationship, he’s under a spell, he’s controlled, he’s addicted. She doesn’t always treat him well. Those sections that jar (but not too much) reflect the ‘this isn’t right-ness’ of this relationship.
I absolutely adore this song, it isn’t usually my sort of thing but I’m under it’s spell. It’s gorgeous musically and fantastic lyrically. Let it work it’s magic on you.
The info
Fowler is an up and coming singer/songwriter, with a raw, natural tone to his music. He currently studies at Leeds College of Music on the songwriting course