In contrast to their last release ‘eat me up’, a sassy dance-y summery pop track – ‘too long’ is a dreamy thoughtful song. That’s dreamy in sound, and thoughtful in song topic.
Re-reading that I realise that that’s a little vague; I mean dreamy could mean anything, or many things to many people. So I will try to be clearer. It manages to pull off being both simple and sparse, and hugely atmospheric, brilliantly. I’ve said it before, and will probably say it again, that simple is difficult to do; there’s nothing to hide behind. What makes this track is the vocal. I searched for a long time for way to describe it but my helpful friend came to my rescue; she described it as naked and emotionally out there. I’d add that the whole song sounds like an internal dialogue.
This seems like the right time to let Su explain what the song is about, “‘Too Long’ is a track that was written about wondering how much longer you can keep running. It’s about questioning what even matters anymore and who’s still around to care. It’s about understanding your self doubt and allowing yourself to move with the pain. I think its a common thing to question why you’re still at a party that you can’t remember arriving at. You have just got to keep going; otherwise what’s the point?”
The thing about Su, I Think is that their songs tackle the personal and difficult emotions and thoughts we carry with us, and marry this with music that compliments, sonically communicates and is just so right.
‘too long’ then is a deceptively simple song that compels musically and emotionally, that chimes with the experiences that many of us have had. And is almost painfully honest lyrically. In a word, lovely.