SINGLE REVIEW: Su, I Think – ‘release’


What you can expect from Su. I Think is a release loaded with class and style; not to mention the unexpected. ‘release’ is no exception.

The track positively fizzies with a sense of joy, It’s guaranteed to compel you to dance your arse off. It’s pop, yes. It draws its sounds and feel from all sorts of 80s and 90s classy pop – smooth saxophone bits, electro-dance,hip=hop, even a touch of the Latin. But the totally outstanding thing about the track is how this is all melded together into something utterly gorgeous. It drips craft and technical skill BUT without ruining the human feel of the song. Without losing that joy.

The song is about, and this a feel reflecting the story, being ‘released’ from a relationship and getting that joy back in your life. Su explains “release” is a song that I wrote after finally leaving my ex. After all the trials and tribulations were done, I could finally look back on all our time together, push my hair behind my ear and giggle. To be honest it’s a song written for people who finally go away, stop romanticising and close the door forever.

“I think it’s good to be able to reflect positively on your relationships and this song definitely feels just like that. I wanted to view it as a celebration of getting to the next chapter and letting go of the old one. I got in the studio with SG Cackle and we referenced a couple dance tracks and ran with it. I think it turned out pretty cute actually <3.”.

While I’ve highlighted the craft that went into the track, the really important thing is how it makes you feel. Me, I just want to dance myself silly to this glorious classy slice of poppy dance music. Wonderful stuff.

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Frank is the website guy for Local Sound Focus. Takes a lot of photos and loves writing about new music.