SINGLE REVIEW: Echoviolet – ‘Micro Maniac’


Since I last reviewed a release from Echoviolet they’ve slimmed down to a three-piece. And on this release I’d say a lean and mean three piece.

‘Micro Maniac’ is a breakneck raucous thing with a huge dose of punky energy. It sits on the edge of sonic madness with a weird sense of hyper-anxiety. What the band hasn’t lost is their musical cleverness. The track is built on a jerky rhythm, a racing bass and urgent guitar. It’s the magical touch of adding these manic lala la’ backing vocals. It’s a bloody joy.

All of this sonic energy reflects, and multiples, what the song is about. The band explain ‘The is about a person who is addicted to someone that they know is bad for them, they know they should stop but they keep going back again and again for more. I think we can all relate to this, everyone is addicted to something that’s not good for them’.

Speaking personally, yep, been there, got the t-shirt. The words, the manic energy of the track, all sum up my experience. So while the track may sound like a hoot and a joy, the words tell a very different story.

Bloody hell I love this new direction the band is taking. ‘Micro Maniac’ is a must listen.

The info

The new three piece Echoviolet is Ethan on drums, Lee on bass and backing vox, and Rowan who used to do guitar is now the lead singer as well.

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Frank is the website guy for Local Sound Focus. Takes a lot of photos and loves writing about new music.