SINGLE REVIEW: Fold – ‘Forever War’


A release from Fold always comes with a message, and the message of ‘Forever War’ is both important and current. It calls out the military-industrial complex for enabling endless wars in the name of profit.

Since I got the track preview, world conflict has shifted up a gear with the Israel-Hamas war spreading its effects to neighbouring regions, the UK/US actions against Houthi in Yemen and US hawks calling for direct military action against Iran. And as though we needed it, military leaders in both the UK and US have ramped up demands for the increase in military forces because of the threat of Russia. It is of course no coincidence that this year is an election year in both the US and UK; a current government flexing its military muscles either directly or via proxies is always good for re-election. Anyone remember Thatcher’s war in the Falklands? And of course there are the numerous conflicts that have continued forever – often proxy wars,

Fold always reflect the theme of their tracks in the music, and here they use a subtle – and undoubtedly appropriate – nod to Black Sabbath’s ‘War Pigs’ to set that musical stage. Musically the track is simple but complex, or complex but simple if you will. A striking melody line is set over subtle beats, samples of found sounds and words. While the music isn’t strident, the words hold the power of the track. The understated nature of the music somehow adds to the words.

‘Forever War’ is a protest song for now. It protests against not only governments but the beneficiaries of war – the military-industrial complex; the companies who lobby for conflict. Its message is an important one, one that we all need to take notice of.

The info

I think it’s important to acknowledge the source of voices in the track. A narrative from Mnar Adley takes centre stage in the verses with additional passages from Alice Walker and Lorraine Hansberry, but the Forever War hook is voiced by an expanse of figures including Kurt Vonnegut, Noam Chomsky, Douglas Adams, bell hooks, Mike Ruppert and more. Angela Davis even makes a cameo doubling the phrase ‘military-industrial complex.’

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Frank is the website guy for Local Sound Focus. Takes a lot of photos and loves writing about new music.