SINGLE REVIEW: Moose Wrench – ‘Don’t Let Me Down’


I have come to a point where I felt I needed to at least get it clear in my head why I have developed this liking for Moose Wrench – AKA the finest dad-bod alt-core trio in the world. I came to the very quick conclusion that it’s purely because they project this sense of ‘we just love playing our music’, and because they play their music so well. It’s really that simple.

Well having surprised us all with their cover of The Ting Tings ‘Not My Name’ you are really not going quite where to put yourself with ‘Don’t Let Me Down’. If you were expecting something with at least a touch of alt-core; spoiler alert, you won’t get it.

Yes, there are some epic guitars but it sounds like some mutant mix of early electro pop, late Queen – when they did use synths, a touch of out there jazz bass solo and art-rock punk with the feel of something I just can’t put my finger on. It is, in short, madcap. But it’s also fucking wonderful; somehow the craziness of the sound charms you. It charms you and leaves you swooning, strangely and inexplicably emotional, and somehow confused as to why.

Sorry I had to take a short pause there to check that this was actually the track I should be reviewing; it is.

Reading what I’ve written so far I’m worried that you might be put off from actually listening to the track. So please don’t be. Please listen to the song. You may or may not regret it but please listen. Cos you see this is brilliantly madcap, totally out-there, brilliantly played and wonderfully written. Listen to it, love it, and don’t try to work out why just let yourself do it.

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Frank is the website guy for Local Sound Focus. Takes a lot of photos and loves writing about new music.