SINGLE REVIEW: Rosalyn Grove – ‘Her Side Of The Bed’


The first time I heard this, I fell for it immediately. It takes layers of exquisitely crafted sounds and harmonies and turns them into a beautiful lush soundscape. And over this is this gorgeous voice. It sounds truly beautiful.

And then I went back and listened to the words; it is a beautifully written love song; full of heartfelt emotion. But it’s also a celebration. Rosalyn explains “Growing up i rarely saw queer love represented in mainstream media, ‘Her Side Of The Bed’ was the first time I allowed myself to fully embrace that part of my life in my writing, and it feels like a real privilege to be able to share that with my community in a way that feels genuine”.

The reason I love this track is that there’s something simple about it. I don’t mean lyrically, because the words are poetic, or sonically, because the music is beautifully complex; I mean simple in the way the emotions are so honestly expressed in a way we can understand and relate to.

I could go on but really I’ve said all that needs to be said. This is so beautiful/ And yes it made me cry.

Previous articleSINGLE REVIEW: Patience – ‘I’ll Be Fine’
Frank is the website guy for Local Sound Focus. Takes a lot of photos and loves writing about new music.