SINGLE REVIEW: Stellar Anderson Project – ‘You Don’t Listen’


The Stellar Anderson Project is a name I have seen coming up in gig listings for some time now but this single is the first music I have actually heard from them. It’s a cliche but true nevertheless that clearly I’ve been missing something special.

From my audio scanning of their music on Spotify (ED: Other music streaming services are available) there seems to be two musical threads that run through; what I’m going to call a certain 70s’ feel and a hint of Celtic rock.

What I mean about it having a certain 70s’ feel is that the sound is very much about the instruments without any embellishment. It sounds like it’s made by a band playing together. And yes, that’s not unique to 70s’ music but you see it’s the focus on a powerful intimate vocal that makes me hark back to then.

‘You Don’t Listen’ is a gritty-ish ballad backed by soaring keys and an absolutely fabulous acoustic guitar. But for me the standout, the focus, of the song is Stellar’s voice. It’s impassioned, it’s powerful, at times gritty and at times sweet as can be. It’s the sort of voice I haven’t heard for ages, perhaps way back to my youth. It’s a lesson in how to convey emotion without vocal histrionics and over-emoting. Less is very much more.

And I must say that the words she is singing are fantastic; simple yes, but simple and great is oh so hard to do. Like her voice, the words are just right to convey a rich story; you just need to read between the lines.

The combination of voice, words and music in ‘You Don’t Listen’ makes for something beautiful, powerful and emotional. This is one very special song

The info

The Stellar Anderson Project is a collaboration of musicians featuring the songs of Stellar Anderson. She currently is working with the amazing Chris Holman, who has worked with British rock icon Julian Cope for over a decade. He has also worked as guitar tech on many world tours for rock bands including Venom.) They have more exciting songs and shows to come this summer including supporting Carol Hodge and Julia Othmer.

Stellar Anderson is a Scottish singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. She is an artist with something to say and writes straight from the heart. Celtic roots and classical training shine through. The songs are lyric driven with strong hooks, melodies and moments of fragility in ballads that will pull on your heart strings. From stripped back solos to full on drama, she covers many genres.

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Frank is the website guy for Local Sound Focus. Takes a lot of photos and loves writing about new music.