This last Antony and Friends concert of the season featured, as well as Antony Brannick on piano, two players from Todmorden Orchestra: leader Andrew Rostron on violin and Diana Doherty on oboe. It was all J S Bach.
Antony Brannick opened with the Italian Concerto (BWWV 971), an expressive performance of a piece whose moods went from forceful to reflective to stormy.
Then followed this reviewer’s favourite piece of the evening, the concerto for violin and oboe (BWV 1060), featuring all three musicians. A lively Allegro was followed by a beautiful slow Adagio showing the contrasting tones of oboe and violin, and the piece concluded with a sharp, bright Allegro.
The next two pieces were for oboe and piano, the Sinfonia from Cantata 156 and “Gerechter Gott, Ach, Rechnest Du?” from Cantata 89, the first serene, the second with a questioning feel, beautifully played by Diana Doherty.
Finally a piece for solo violin: Partita no 2 in D minor (BWV 1004). The moods ranged from formal to complex to dance rhythm. In this demanding piece Andrew Rostron excelled himself.
The next concert is expected in September. To get on the mailing list contact Antony Brannick on or 0161 665 3502.