The concert opened with flute music by Gaubert, Rutter, and Taktakishvili, all unfamiliar to this reviewer: serene and lovely melodies, ably played by Carisse White, with sensitive accompaniment by Antony Brannick on piano. A solo by Antony followed, an assertive and powerful performance of Beethoven’s sonata 26 “Les Adieux” (op 81a); a piece of varying moods on the subject of parting and reunion.
The second half was devoted to the violin of Andrew Rostron, leader of Todmorden orchestra. It opened with Kreisler’s dramatic and intricate “Prelude and Allegro”, and concluded with Brahms’ sonata in G major (op 78). This began seriously and then moved from flowing to chaotic, concluding in a warmer mood. Both performances were strong and expressive.
One of the best Antony evenings so far, and the refreshments were delicious. February must go by without another, but the next two are on 4th March and 1st April.