SINGLE REVIEW: Shanghai Treason – ‘Hero’s Welcome’


Celtic Punk band in ‘releasing a song that really that punky’ shocker. Although, spoiler alert, this is not a bad thing.

OK so I’m being a bit picky and overstating it a little bit (A little bit! – Ed) but Shanghai Treason do describe themselves as Celtic Punk, but ‘Hero’s Welcome’ is what I’d call a tough and hard hitting approach to Celtic music rather than punk. Although, on repeated listening, I did detect a hit of a Stiff Little Fingers thing going on. So this is very much my own thoughts, and your mileage may vary!

Yes, there’s a traditional Celtic thing that runs through it but there’s also that shouted vocal, and a guitar break. A shout-out here for the drumming – love that rolling drum feel. Oh and I can’t not mention the banjo playing, bloody joy.

What this is is a great song that is earwormy to the max, will have you flinging yourself around a room and belting out the words at the highest volume you can manage. This is a great pub or gig singalong song. Alcohol might have to be involved but to be honest I didn’t need it sitting in my living room; two plays in and I was in full vocal flow.

If you’re not in a ‘flinging yourself around the room’ mood, well just sit back, listen to the fantastic tune, beat your feet on the floor and listen to the words. Great words are a key to that Celtic feel and this has that.

Great tune, played really really well. Brilliant singalong words. Danceable to the max. This has it all.

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Frank is the website guy for Local Sound Focus. Takes a lot of photos and loves writing about new music.