SINGLE REVIEW: Su, I Think – ‘eat me up’


Completely unexpectedly this release from Su. I Think is what other reviewers might refer to as ‘a Summertime dance banger’. Not being your standard music reviewer I would probably refer to it as a full of fun dance-y pop track or even as a smile inducing poppy dance track.

Whatever we might decide to call it, what we are talking here is not a hardcore dance track, this is a somewhat 80s’ hook heavy boppy slice of joy. It’s full of ‘make you smile’ moments, choppy beats and holiday time synths.

Meeting that sound head-on is a song that is’ about a summer fling that you know you shouldn’t be in. It’s about meeting someone you kind of can’t stand but can’t help but be attracted to’, Su continues, ‘Ultimately I wanted to write a track about being young and having the best time. Encapsulating the feeling of a London summer; it’s cute, it’s flirty, it’s drinking too much in the park.’

Look, the time has come to stop talking here. This is fun to the max, cute as hell, full of smiles and the heat of Summer. Get your dancing shoes on, cue this up, crack the volume and dance like nobody’s watching.

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Frank is the website guy for Local Sound Focus. Takes a lot of photos and loves writing about new music.