SINGLE REVIEW: The Sheratons – ‘Raving And Drooling’


Indie rock comes in many flavours, The Sheraton’s take on it in ‘Raving And Drooling’ is bloody raucous punky rock’n’roll. It’s a blast of fucking glorious noise, a blast of glorious noise with a frankly dangerous level of swagger. This song positively drips attitude. It’s a song ready for a night out with its mates, a night where anything can happen.

Guitars roar, they roar in a punky sometimes kinda metally way – I swear it sounds something a bit like Motorhead right at the start, and that guitar break right at the end, hmm I have my suspicions keeping those to myself. Vocals are perfectly fucking sneery, plenty of bloody attitude there.

This, people, is a riot, turn it up loud – loud as you dare, lose it, repeat until you can’t do it any longer, shot of Jack, do it all again. Simple as.


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Frank is the website guy for Local Sound Focus. Takes a lot of photos and loves writing about new music.