If you’ve read my reviews of ‘Eater’ and ‘Milk of Magnesia’ you’ll have realised that I’m quite a fan of this Leeds based band. And tempted as I am to just say ‘Well jellyskin do it again, this is a stunner’, but that isn’t quite enough really.
jellyskin like to mess with us, what they do changes style, tempo, they go from short to long and back again. BUT everything has that ‘thing’ that makes it jellyskin.
So what we have here in the almost six minutes of this track is something that draws you with shimmering, sparkling psychy post-punk. There are hints of what is to come – they flit in and out. It’s simply beautiful. And then – they’re messing with our heads – there’s this throbbing interlude – and then we are back at the shimmer, the sparkle, the waves of sounds floating in.
This makes it sound like it shouldn’t work but it does, it really does. When you listen to it for the second time, and you will, you’ll find yourself waiting for that throb. That throb is like the darkness breaking through, nightmares coming through.
It’s tempting to draw the conclusion that the darkness in the throbbing interlude is that which is explored in ‘Eater’ – you’ll see what I mean if you listen to both tracks. But that just might be me making something be there when it isn’t that at all.
So what makes this work, well for one there is that voice. Zia’s voice has this tone to it, it’s dark, it’s mysterious. Then there is the music itself. This band know how to play, and that’s important when you’re mixing it up. And they know how to convey mood and atmosphere.
And last, but certainly not least, the video – the more I see the more I find it all quite unsettling. This is not a happy story.
This isn’t an easy ‘listen’, it’s certainly not as immediate as ‘Eater’, but it’s something that you need to immerse yourself in. Let it seep in gradually. Feel the mood. Feel the atmosphere of the track.
So there is only one thing left to say.- jellyskin do it again.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jellyskinband/