SINGLE REVIEW: L.O.E – ‘Secret Societies Rule The World’


I’m a big fan of L.O.E; the band otherwise known as Last Of Eden. They play big progessive alternative rock, and oh I should mention that they play instrumental music. Now for those of you that are put off by the instrumental bit, you shouldn’t because their songs use found sound and aren’t really in song format. By this I mean their tracks musically reflect their subject and are ever changing pieces.

This track is about the secret groups and cabals that direct the world, the ones we know are there but have no control over. A subject that is as relevant today as it was in 1961 when John F Kennedy gave the powerful address to the American Society Of Newspaper Editors that is used in the piece. It’s shocking that without any effort on our part we can apply J.F.K’s words to Britain and the rest of the world today.

The band further explain “‘Secret Societies Rule The World’ is our dystopian look at how the global elite control our societies. The establishments are shrouded in secrecy and corruption is a worldwide machine that continues to be fed by mainstream media propaganda. Secret societies seem to rule the world and the news outlets only serve to fuel an already biassed narrative in favour of the super rich. Lies & distrust are amplified and spread until they plant roots that divide us all.

“The track was inspired by a powerful feeling of unease at our current state of global affairs and the misinformation that is fed to us by news sources. We wanted to create a soundtrack for our frustrations and despair at the inequality and injustice that we all face.

Musically the track mixes big powerful rock sounds with passages of strings and piano; in a way that seems to reflect classical music and classic film soundtracks. For me there is a sense of the unease and frustration we feel, and the overwhelming power of these groups have over us.

I am always unexpectedly affected by L.O.E’s music and this track doesn’t break that. It has both a musical power and the power to move you emotionally and intellectually. Need anything else, thought not, go listen.

The info

This track is off their forthcoming EP, ‘Secret Societies Rule The World’ set for release on November 25th.

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Frank is the website guy for Local Sound Focus. Takes a lot of photos and loves writing about new music.