I won’t lie, I was pretty bleary-eyed despite a freezing and crisp Saturday night in Sheffield. However, I started to perk up once I got inside the Plug, with its weird and wonderful décor and minimal lighting. First band on were In Ransom (not In Hanson which is what I originally heard – that would have been a different show altogether!), a last-minute stand in for Mohawk Radio, whose drummer had been struck down by illness.
As soon as this 2-piece guitarist/drummer duo started playing, the cobwebs adorning my eyelashes were blown away. The sound of their pounding drums, shouts and roars thrust me right into the evening. Even if I wasn’t quite ready for it.
In Ransom are seriously entertaining and reminded me of Ugly Kid Joe with their amusing banter across tracks. They bounced off each other, building up an energy which culminated in the guitarist smashing a cymbal – positioned at the front of the stage – in time to the drums.

The next band on were Back to Verona, a 5-piece hard rock band known for their explosive live shows and onstage shenanigans. The band are brilliant at getting the audience involved in their show and the big crowd they played to evidently enjoyed the party. This isn’t my sort of music I have to say, but it seemed I was definitely in the minority that night.

Having seen their set at Wakefield’s Long Division festival earlier this year, I was wondering what these headliners would be presenting. The band have already moved their sound on since the summer and their set was more varied in terms of genre and as a result, more interesting.
It’s obvious how hard this band works when you see them live. Their performance wasn’t perfect – there were flat notes here and there – but the overall level of Stop Drop Robot’s ability and effort is noticeably high. Highlight of the set for me was a funky little number entitled ‘White Cot, Sweat Shop, Grave Plot’.
This is very much a band in transition – a good band on their way to becoming a really good band. I for one am looking forward to seeing what they bring to the table once they have settled. But for now they are certainly a great choice to see live; their delivery is engrossing, and they make sure you leave feeling thoroughly entertained, and buzzing with energy.
In Ransom’s Facebook page
Back To Verona’s Facebook page
Stop Drop Robot’s Facebook page
You can read our interview with Stop Drop Robot