It’s a while since I reviewed anything from Skylights – ‘Take Me Somewhere’ back in May 2018 – wow it’s been nearly two years! And there appear to be have been some changes in what Skylights do. I expected one of those rousing indie rock anthems but this is something else. So different I spend several minutes trying to work out whether I had played the wrong preview track. I’ve clearly not been keeping up.
What this is something of a cross between soaring post-punk influenced rock – it has something of a Goth ringing guitar thing going on – and something of a Manchester sound thing going on. This was something of a glorious surprise. It sounds somewhat bizarrely like a Cult track at points, by the way.
What this makes for is something that you could either get your full rock thing going to, or dance. It’s wickedly danceable people, it’s those swirling sounds, those sparse slightly tribal drums. You could really groove to this thing.
And the guitars rock on this, they roar, they crunch, they crank out that ringing guitar thing. And the vocal is great, it soars and it bloody swaggers.
If you’ve not checked out Skylights recently, check this out. It bloody fucking rocks.