SINGLE REVIEW: The Greedy Souls – ‘Follow Me’


‘Follow Me’ is The Greedy Souls’ second single – it follows ‘We Will Rule’, read our review – and it continues in that heavy vein. Except that’s it heavier, it kinda leaves out the alternative edge that their first single had. It reminds me of some classic NWOBHM songs of what we might refer to as my youth – it has these shades at least musically of Saxon if I’m honest.

This is except for the vocals which are not – you may be happy to know – of that screaming metal type – they are strong yes, but they have this slight edge of Manchester. This is a really nice mix.

So if it’s heavy you’d expect riffs, and yep riffs are present and correct. It’s bassy and it’s fierce. You’d expect some guitar solos, and yep these are there, but they are clever, they stand out because they don’t do that screaming rock guitar thing.

The drums for me really stand out, they stand out by not being all over the track, the drumming is sparse but hugely effective.

After The Greedy Souls first single I was really looking forward to future releases, I don’t feel let down at all. This rocks.

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Frank is the website guy for Local Sound Focus. Takes a lot of photos and loves writing about new music.